Local Recreation
Toledo Bend Lake
This man-made resevoir, located on the Texas-Louisiana border, is the largest in the South.With a large population of black bass, stripers and Florida bass plus sac-a-lait (crappie), bream and catfish, it provides the best fishing in the country.
Toledo Town
Largest selection of fishing tackle in the South.
Activities (onsite or nearby)
- Biking, Golf, Fitness Center, Fishing, Hunting, Wildlife Viewing, Shopping
- Restaurants, Museums, Sightseeing
- Boating, Sailing
- Bayou Pierre Gator Park & Show - (April through October). Fun for all ages.
- Antique, crafts and gift shops
- Restaurants
- Golf Courses: Cypress Bend Resort Golf Course; Emerald Hills Golf Resort
- Hodges Gardens - Louisiana's renowned 4,700-acre "Garden in the Forest." It's multi-level gardens of floral spectaculars, breathtaking greenhouse, birds and wildlife in natural habitat, centered by a 250-acre pleasure boat and fishing lake is a scenic wonderland.
- Fort Polk Army Base
Historic Sites
- Fort Jesup State Park
- Reenactment of the Battle of Pleasant Hill
- Natchitoches Historical District
- Cane River Plantation Tours
- Zwolle Tamale Fiesta
- Sawmill Days
- Christmas Festival of Lights: (35 minute drive to Natchitoches, LA)